It’s been a year…
2020 -What you need to know about the entire last year is that it was not a waste of time. Far from it. There is nothing you need to regret. There is nothing to be sad about…
About Death
Many people are leaving the planet right now. They are teaching us love and compassion and resilience in their leaving although the lessons are very difficult for us. Death is quite a teacher…
Loving Kindness
I would like to start off discussing heart-centeredness. This is what Melinda likes to call it. It is a good name. It is when all your actions and your thoughts are created and guided by love…
Love and Fear
I am here for love—to instill it, to inspire it, to help you become it. It is all there is, really. It is all that matters. Love between people, love between people and animals, love for the Earth, love for the trees, and all of nature…