Learning in Relationships
Relationships are one of the ways we learn the most as human beings while we are incarnate. They reflect back things we need to learn and know about ourselves. Some seem more willing than others to really give it to us and force us to learn by being mean and abusive.
Defining Abundance
You know you have abundance when you look around and see beauty all around you—beauty in the faces of those you love, beauty in the food you eat, beauty in the space where you live, beauty in nature all around you. This is true abundance.
Conscious Change
Many of you have persisted and been resilient for a long time now. It has taken a toll on us, our families, our communities, our countries, and the world--the pandemic. It is soon time to heal. It is soon time to come together and explore anew our community and how we feel about it, how we want it to be, how we want it to work.
It’s been a year…
2020 -What you need to know about the entire last year is that it was not a waste of time. Far from it. There is nothing you need to regret. There is nothing to be sad about…