About Death
Message from Spirit: Let’s talk about death. Many people are leaving the planet right now. They are teaching us love and compassion and resilience in their leaving although the lessons are very difficult for us. Death is quite a teacher. It can strip you to your core and make you wonder what it’s all about. The loss of a child is one of the worst things that can happen to a parent. This is one of life’s most difficult lessons if you want to call it that.
What you may not know is that you agreed to this before you incarnated. You agreed to lose a child so you could see what that was like and learn from the experience and grow as a person as a soul. The children who leave are very brave and do this for their parents. It may not seem right or fair or just. And it’s not, I guess. It is what it is. As with any event, you need to look for the wisdom behind the event after you move through some of the grief. That is a journey unto itself.
Let’s talk about grief for a second. Grief is an important emotion. The best way I like to explain it is love that has nowhere to go. It is love that you can’t give to that person anymore because they are not here to receive it and that feels bad and sad. There is no recipient for your love. But what you may not know is that you will see them again when it is your turn to make an exit from the stage. That is all this human life i—a moment on the stage. Your loved ones and soul family that have passed are all waiting in the wings to greet you. They are all in a space of love and light--there is no judgment there. There is no loss or sadness. There is only love so they are safe and will be fine until you arrive. And they can visit you anytime from the other side. They are with you--loving you. Even if they pass as a small child, they are with you. You can feel them. They leave signs that they are there if you look for them and stay still long enough to receive them.
I hope you find this information helpful and reassuring. Death is not an ending--just a transformation into another way of life. It’s a returning to home base. Earth is the travel destination we visit together to learn and expand our soul’s growth. Then we meet back up and regroup and come back again.