Love and Fear
Spirit Message: I am here for love—to instill it, to inspire it, to help you become it. It is all there is, really. It is all that matters. Love between people, love for the animals, love for the Earth, love for the trees, and all of nature. Love for art, love for beauty, love for a smile, a hug, an act of kindness. This is all love. Love is the focus we all want for our world. What we focus on becomes stronger, more prevalent, and more pervasive--wouldn’t we all want love to be more pervasive in our society? In our world? I would think so.
Love is contagious.
Love can be magnified and shared without loss of any drop of love from the point of origin. It multiplies inexplicably.
Love is easy to share.
Love is easy to manifest.
Love is easy to conjure up at a moment’s notice if you know how to train your mind to do so. Gratitude is one way to get quickly to a state of love.
When fear comes looking for you, you need to find your way back to love. These are the only two forces in the universe. You just need to choose in every moment—one or the other. It all comes down to this. Choose one. In every decision, in every choice, in every moment, choose love and you will see your life transform wildly and quickly for the better. Let go of the fear—fear will only bind you and hold you down. Fear limits your choices. Fear limits your thinking. Fear limits who you are and who you want to be. Don’t choose that.
Choose love—this will lead you to expansive thinking and being. Love will allow you the freedom to be and express who you are, fully in every way. We need more of this in our world. People are so afraid to share who they are and it’s what we most need right now. We need you to be who you are fully and completely and that can only be done when you are in a state of complete love. No fear.