Loving Kindness


Message from Spirit: I would like to start off discussing heart-centeredness. This is what Melinda likes to call it. It is a good name. It is when all your actions and your thoughts are created and guided by love. It is a loving kindness towards all—all humans, all living beings, all plants, all trees, all of nature, all of the world as we understand it. The Dalai Lama embodies this concept most completely. Nothing moves him from a space of love.

If  more of us can do that and I don’t even mean all of the time. I mean if more of us could do it even 25% of the time, the world would change for  the better. Do you understand how this is possible? Yes. It’s true. If even just 25% of us could spend more of our time acting and speaking from a space of love and gentle kindness, this world would transform completely. And then if they continue to do so and more and more people spend more and more time in this loving space—this heart space, well, it is a world changing thing. It is a world changing concept.

You may ask how you get more people into this state of consciousness. That is actually easy. It is extremely contagious. You perform an act of generosity and love and kindness and word of it travels and more and more people are apt to repeat or copy it to see what happens for themselves. Happiness travels. Kindness automatically generates more kindness. That is the big secret.

If you can spend more of your day feeling generous and kind towards others, that will greatly benefit all people everywhere and the earth as well. Can you do that? I think it would not be so hard to make this a focus or an intention for your day or your week. Give it a try, yes? 


About Death


Love and Fear