Conscious Change
Message from Spirit: Let us begin. Many of you have persisted and been resilient for a long time now. It has taken a toll on us, our families, our communities, our countries, and the world--the pandemic. It is soon time to heal. It is soon time to come together and explore anew our community and how we feel about it, how we want it to be, how we want it to work. It can be written from scratch. The pandemic gives you a good break from the past and you can create everything anew. The structures that hold society together have been forever changed and need to be rebuilt. Rebuild them consciously. Take your time. Determine what your needs are as they stand now. And build from that point of view. What does your community need to survive and thrive? What are the big and the little aspects of a thriving community? Does it mean healthcare for all? What about the environment? How will you construct things moving forward and take into consideration the living environment of the earth? How will this become a part of your foundational thinking? Future pandemics are a possibility so how will you plan for that?
Is healthcare for all an important feature? How will that affect a country’s ability to combat a similar experience to this one? What about equity and equality? How do those affect quality of life for all? What needs to change and be upgraded in your society? In your family? In your immediate community? In your government? What attitudes need to change to allow for more growth and compassion to thrive? How can that take place? Do these changes need to begin with education of the little ones? How do we enlighten the minds of those who have set minds and staunch beliefs? How can change take place without minds changing in the process?
Can your leaders at the community and government levels begin to see a bigger picture of what is needed? How about placing an emphasis on the happiness of the people and the environment? Does that sound naive? It’s not. Some governments are taking this into consideration over the GDP or the health of the economy. There are things more important than the economy. Have you ever looked into the face of a starving child? A desperate mother trying to feed her baby? A classroom lacking a teacher and educational materials full of children wanting to learn? Many governments need to prioritize what is good for all—not just good for a few. This transition will take many decades but the seeds can be planted now for a better future. Be the seed. Be the change. Do it now.