All Will Be Well


Spirit Message: One thing I want you to know is that all will be well. Everything is perfect just as it is. You may not believe this but it is true for each and everyone one of you. All of your life is unfolding just as it should. It’s all perfect for what you wanted to have happen in this life. There is free will, of course. And there are some scenarios you have set up before you came into body so you could learn specific things.

If you tune in, you can feel this is true. You set up to meet a partner or to have a specific soul come back as your child or as your parent so you could learn specific things. They are your soul family. You chose each other because of the things you would be willing to teach the other and learn from the other. This is all good. If you have not felt close to someone in your life and they rub you the wrong way, then maybe that was the purpose of them in your life. A rough rock helps form a diamond by repeated rubbing and pressure. People who are annoying us or abusing us, can have this effect to rub us into diamonds. They teach us. They can help us learn boundaries and about our own self-worth and what we will accept in terms of treatment from others. These are all valuable lessons.

These lessons cannot be learned so easily in what you call “heaven.” All is well in heaven or the after realm. There is only love and acceptance. So, getting someone to teach you about your boundaries is difficult there. That can only be learned when in a human body. Souls wait to come back and learn various things while in a human form. It makes it easier to learn those things and souls look forward to coming back and incarnating to do this. 

With that in mind, please use your time in this body well. Please enjoy it, learn from every experience, and absorb the beauty of the world and human kindness and all that there is to offer on Earth. It as a most treasured experience on the other side. We covet coming back into body especially when we have chosen to return with our soul family. These are members you have had several incarnations with. Sometimes you will be the father or the son or the daughter or niece or grandmother. Each time you can be someone new to experience life in that form and you choose a country and a time all for the benefit of learning more and experiencing more as a soul. The key is to find the lesson behind the event. And to live love as much as possible. 

You can do no wrong. All is well. And if you goof up, well, you can come back again. It’s all good. Worry less, love more. Enjoy this life and all it has to offer you.


Love and Fear


Signs from Spirit…