Healing Takes Time
Melinda Pajak Melinda Pajak

Healing Takes Time

I don’t think we realize how much life events move us and change us. It almost feels like giant rocks are landing in the flow of our river and we have to dodge them and move around them and the flow is never the same again. And sometimes, we just need to sit in the dammed up water for awhile to heal and take stock.

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Gratitude: A Life Changer
Gratitude Melinda Pajak Gratitude Melinda Pajak

Gratitude: A Life Changer

What we focus on expands. So if you want more good in your life, focus on what is already good and acknowledge it. This tells the universe that you would like some more of that good stuff please. This “attitude of gratitude” as some call it has been an important part of my daily happiness.

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The Power of Intention
Intention Melinda Pajak Intention Melinda Pajak

The Power of Intention

If the basic building blocks of our universe, like subatomic particles, can be influenced by the observer, then we need to ask ourselves how are we influencing the physical matter around us right now? How are we using our thoughts and our intentions in our daily lives?

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The Rubberband of Evolution
Melinda Pajak Melinda Pajak

The Rubberband of Evolution

So much is going on in your world. There is much to say. First of all, please don’t get dragged down in the politics of your time. This can really drag your energy down quickly. Be informed but that is all. Don’t dwell on these beings who are here for a very specific purpose. They are the rubber band pulling back on humanity…

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