The Rubberband of Evolution
From Spirit:
So much is going on in your world. There is much to say. First of all, please don’t get dragged down in the politics of your time. This can really drag your energy down quickly. Be informed but that is all. Don’t dwell on these beings who are here for a very specific purpose. They are the rubber band pulling back on humanity so evolution can then bring us all forward. It is a necessary step back. Hold the faith that all will be well and that humankind is truly transforming into a higher frequency. Hold the light in your hands and in your heart and in your head. Have faith. Keep steady.
Show and shine your light every time all the time in every situation. You will be surprised at how quickly sharing your light can move and shift a situation. Many will need to be sparked by your light so keep shining it all the time. Talk to people. Ask them questions. Be yourself. Smile. Be the light all the time.
Me: What do we need to know about COVID?
Spirit: It is part of the process of humans transforming. It is necessary. The pendulum must swing backwards to move forwards- rest assured it will swing --not a good analogy. It will move us all forward with its darkness because we will choose to move away from that and into the light. Does that make more sense?
Me: What about all the suffering, illness, and death? What can I do? I feel helpless.
Spirit: Meditate every day. Send light and love around the world to all of the affected places and people. Start the Medicine Buddha Chanting Meditation. If you can do that every other day and send the love out it will make quite a difference. Do it in a group and it becomes 100x as effective. This is why we asked you to do it in a group setting. We would be pleased if you would set this up again. Many would. They would find meaning in the practice and they would sincerely be helping.
Me: What about climate change? I am worried about that.
Spirit: Oh little one. This environmental challenge is one that has been in the works for 100 years. Yes, it has certainly sped up - a bit faster than we thought. But it too is a lesson for all of humanity to appreciate and treat with care and respect this one world we all live on. We need to appreciate its beauty and fragility and the only way to do this is for it to be threatened and threatening to human life. It is the only way humans learn.
Me: What else would you have me know?
Spirit: Love. Be love. Love is at the center of all progress. Love is at the center of all evolution. Love is all that matters. Remember that.