November Message
Melinda Pajak Melinda Pajak

November Message

So this week marks the beginning of the holiday season and the countdown to Christmas. It is a holy time of year for many as they celebrate their religious dates of importance. That is all well and good. I admit I would like to see more…

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Gratitude: A Life Changer
Gratitude Melinda Pajak Gratitude Melinda Pajak

Gratitude: A Life Changer

What we focus on expands. So if you want more good in your life, focus on what is already good and acknowledge it. This tells the universe that you would like some more of that good stuff please. This “attitude of gratitude” as some call it has been an important part of my daily happiness.

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Defining Abundance
Spirit Messages Melinda Pajak Spirit Messages Melinda Pajak

Defining Abundance

You know you have abundance when you look around and see beauty all around you—beauty in the faces of those you love, beauty in the food you eat, beauty in the space where you live, beauty in nature all around you. This is true abundance.

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